men in blue lives matter too!

Updated: Sep 25, 2020

Had to weigh in on the senseless violence that is taking place now across America…We all can understand the level of frustration with a justice system that fails so many victims, but the answer is NOT to go after the men and women in blue that serve to protect you. Not all police officers are careless about taking someone’s life.

Irrational people (officers or civilians) do irrational things. But in spite of it all, we must always stand for what is RIGHT. Going after innocent police officers is just WRONG. Even the officers involved in these senseless killings of our black males need to be held accountable by a judge and a jury, not by civilians. Time and time again we have witnessed judges and juries fail many victims, but we still can’t take the law into our own hands. We have to trust and believe that a change is gonna come! It won’t be easy, seems like we’ve waited long enough…but change is coming.

This I know for sure, we must hold on to God’s unchanging hand and believe that He is still in control. He has "allowed" this to happen, even though it may surpass our understanding. And although we may not be able to put our faith in the U.S. Justice System that has failed us, best believe that God’s System of Justice never fails. So hold out, gain your composure, rise above the madness of these rogue officers that are killing with no regard and keep the faith. God is still on the throne! ~Doc Mel
