Rest is vital for better mental health, increased concentration and memory, a healthier immune system, reduced stress, improved mood and even a better metabolism. Unplugging in a busy world is essential. Relaxation isn't only about resting your body—resting your mind is just as important. Just as muscles in the body need rest to grow, resting the mind helps you to refocus and rejuvenate. Studies even suggest that rest can add years to your life. In fueling our inner-spirit these are the types of rest that are essential:
- Physical, which is most commonly thought of as “rest” and applies to napping or sleeping
- Mental, which is simply any type of rest that allows your brain to slow down or “shut off”
- Sensory, which gives our senses a break by unplugging from sensory overload caused by technology, loud noises, etc
- Creative, which isn’t really taking a break from creative activities, but instead is more focused on refilling your creative well by getting in touch with spaces or activities that inspire you
- Emotional, which allows you to express your emotions without constantly needing to manage them internally
- Social, which takes you away from social situations that drain or exhaust you
- Spiritual, which takes place when you connect with your spiritual side or something greater than yourself via practices such as prayer or meditation
Not getting enough rest can result in fatigue & exhaustion, irritability, mood changes & difficulty focusing & remembering. Some consequences are much more dangerous and can include health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure, stroke, obesity, depression & immunity issues.
Our supreme herbal tea for better sleep is soothing, caffeine-free, and blended as a sleep aid to help assist in the relaxation that is crucial for improving sleep quality. This special blend is designed to help relax the body and prepare you for sleep. Calming & Slightly Warming.
Ingredients: Chamomile, licorice, ginger root, fennel seeds, rosebuds/spearmint, rose hips, lemon grass, tulsi (holy basil) natural orange flavor.
Contains licorice in case of high blood pressure, excessive consumption of this tea should be avoided.
FDA Statement: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Descriptions are for educational purposes only. Consult your physician before using any herbal products. All matters regarding health require medical supervision. Neither the seller nor the author/publisher shall be liable for any loss, injury, or damage allegedly arising from this product or any information or suggestion on the package or this page.
Caution: This product was produced on machinery which also processed tea which contains nuts. May contain trace elements of nuts. If the tea contains licorice in cases of high blood pressure, excessive consumption should be avoided.
Rest & Reset! Sleep & Relaxation Tea
14 Eco Friendly 1oz Tea Bags
Doc Mel's an Inner-Spirit Life Coach that battled breast cancer! She's now a survivor & thriver on a mission to share the power of teas for wellness...through her own personal journey back to health, from exploration she discovered the potent impact teas can have on well-being. Doc Mel wants you to experience for yourself the benefits her specialty blended teas can have once integrated as a lifestyle.