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KISS...Keep It Simple Sistah!

Sistahs, this is a Call-to-Action!

This very short and to the point “pocket-book” is an attempt to provide a straight from the heart guide to address some of the lifestyle and behavior challenges we are now facing. Many of our choices as African-American women have severed our community and we are now bleeding to death!

There’s a serious crisis within the social dynamics of our community and some of us are directly responsible due to the displacement of moral and core values. As we carry out our womanhood, we must take note that the time for change is now! We should examine ourselves and seek to be dutiful in implementing personal strategies that can assist with rising above the condition of dysfunction we are currently in.

Please share these “Seven Principles” with all of the Sistahs that you know. This is a perfect read over happy hour, while enjoying time & wine with girlfriends, at book club meetings, with young adult daughters and nieces… It is my hope that this little manual will fall into the hands of Sistahs that could truly benefit from reading it. The goal is for each one of us, to reach one of us. The “trickle-down effect” could be momentous and ultimately impact the depths of our community to evoke change for the better! ~Doc Mel :-)

ORDER NOW: Book available for download at Amazon link below:

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