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Spring RENEWAL ...Can you stand the RAIN?

Springtime is officially here! It’s a new season and we should seek new beginnings… Life-strategies should burst with a new supply of energy as we aim for new successes. During the spring season we all know that April showers bring May flowers; and in our lives we should anticipate some rain as well. The question is, “Can you stand the rain?”…the rain that falls as the clouds turn gray amidst all of the thunder and lightning, that the storms of life can bring our way.

What we must realize is that a new day will dawn. No rainy season in our life will last always. During the storms, we must be able to seek cover and what we must protect the most is our state-of-mind during these trying times. At all cost we can’t drown in the floods of life, we must swim. Swimming is necessary to stay afloat, because sinking (in despair, depression, and hopelessness) should never be an option. So consider the following:

  • Reinvent yourself - don't remain stagnant, try something new whether it be a new look, learning a new language, taking tennis, golf or even horseback-riding lessons, meditating daily…switch things up and incorporate new and different things in your life

  • Start a ritual with significant others – begin routines together like coffee every morning, an evening walk daily, a weekly “bonding breakfast” every Saturday at a designated spot, try out the latest eating places once a week together

  • Take risks – dare to do something outside of your comfort zone, don’t be afraid to leap out on faith with a business idea or when seeking connections, decide to take risks

  • Seek opportunities for growth & enrichment – broaden your way of thinking and expose yourself to different trains of thought, look for seminars, trainings, symposiums, empowerment sessions, conferences and people that will uncover new dimensions within yourself

  • Own it – especially your actions, take responsibility for where you are in life, assess your situation and complete a self-inventory…change what you don’t like

Spring renewal allows us all to brush up on our swimming techniques. It can be achieved by taking the time to actually regroup and reconnect with our inner-self. Challenge your thoughts as you spring forward this year. Simplify your life and spend quality time with yourself. Cleanse yourself from mental and emotional clutter by letting go of what doesn’t add value to your life and purge your surroundings to make room for something new. Being open to change helps you "stand the rain"… ~Doc Mel


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