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Change Is Surely Coming!

Kinda hard to believe it’s a new year…we’re well into the 21st Century and I can’t help but wonder what will the next two decades look like. As the landscape of our world is in constant change climatically and innovations take us farther in technology, our society will continue to evolve…the question is “Are we prepared to evolve with it?" The current political climate is the way that it is because people are truly afraid…feeling uncertain about their future. Many are left with thoughts of despair, not knowing how they will “fit” into this evolving future that is not so far away in the horizon. They are very scared of the evolution that is taking place right in front of their eyes. Why? ….Because they aren’t ready! So my New Year’s Message to you is…If you’re not ready get ready, because change is surely coming! We can’t stop progress, so we might as well just get on board. The beginning of a new year is a great time to reflect and do a self-assessment. Let’s ask some important questions and confront our deepest fears. We should ask “what are we doing that we should not be doing?" We should ask “what steps are we actually taking to prepare for the changes that are taking place in our society on a global, national, and local level?" We should seek opportunities to constantly grow. We should be working to advance every chance we get and looking for opportunities that will assist with professional and personal development. For the segment of our society that is still stuck in the past and wants to go back to the way things were, understand that those days are gone. Let me be very clear, nothing in the past will return and even the redistribution of past energy will change its form. Remember this, instead of channeling frustrations into fueling fires of negativity in life; focus on what is real…which is CHANGE. Make no mistake about it a fruitful and productive year is always rooted in progress. We must accept evolution for what it is. This New Year hit the reset button in your life. Refresh and renew your thoughts, which can then be translated into actions. Dedicate some time to discarding the old and welcome the process of evolving mentally, physically, and spiritually. This way no matter what the years may bring you’ll be ready, willing and able to not only survive it, but also thrive in it! ~Doc Mel


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